I want to connect to a NETGEAR access point to my network, but I do not know how to connect it. So if anyone knows how to do it please help me Give me a valuable solutions Thank You
You are prompted to enter a username and password. Enter the following default login credentials: Note: username and password are both case sensitive. Username: admin Password: password Note: If the default login credentials do not work, you might have changed the admin password. If you cannot remember your new password, you must perform a factory reset to restore the router to its factory default settings. For more information, see Restoring a NETGEAR home router to the factory default settings
Note: Make sure that your router is loaded with the latest firmware version. You might not see an AP mode option if you are using older firmware. For instructions on updating your firmware, see Installing the latest firmware on a NETGEAR router
Scroll down to the AP Mode section and select Enable AP Mode.
By default the access point IP Address and DNS Server Address are set to be configured dynamically by the DHCP server or main router on your network. You can leave the settings like this, or set the addresses manually if you prefer. Note: If you want to set a static IP on the AP, remove the check mark next to Get IP Address Dynamically and fill out the IP Address, IP Subnet Mask, and Gateway. Make sure to use an IP that is not usually assigned to the clients of the main router to avoid IP conflicts.
Click Apply. You will lose communication between the router (now configured as an AP) and your computer. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to one of the WAN or LAN ports of your NETGEAR router (now configured as an AP) and the other end to a LAN port on your main router. Image
Your NETGEAR router is now set up for AP mode. Note: To further configure the AP (for example, to change wireless settings), connect your computer to the network and in a browser address bar type the AP IP address, using either the IP address that you set manually or the one assigned to the AP by the main router. It is recommended to assign a static IP address on the AP so that it does not change.