1. Open Macintosh mail and go to ‘Mail’ option. Here you need to click on ‘Preference’. Tap to add an account. If you find this option unavailable on the screen then click on ‘Search’ button. 2. Add account details like Frontier com login address and password on the next page. 3. You will be prompted to select the account type in next option. Select POP and enter the name of the email service provider. 4. Enter the username, password and display name in the next field. This name will appear on the front screen when you open your account. 5. Go to incoming server settings and enter the address in the field. 6. In the same way, enter smtp.frontier.com in the outgoing server address field. 7. Now, select the password option for verification purpose. Here you need to enter the email address and password again for authentication purpose. When you log in to the account, then these details will first get verified and then you will be able to go to Frontier email login page further. 8. Submit to finish the process. The process is almost same for all the models. 9. Close the window and if prompted click on ‘Yes’.