Hello Everyone, This is the Procedure to Manually Setup Roadrunner Email 1. Open Applications. 2. Click on “MyAccounts”. 3. Choose “Add Account”. 4. Provide your full Roadrunner email address, including “@__.rr.com” domain name in all lower case. 5. Enter the Roadrunner password. 6. Uncheck automatically configure the account. 7. Click on “Next”. 8. Click General Settings, check that information in all General Settings fields is correct or not. Make any necessary changes, and then choose OKto exit this menu. 9. Tap on Incoming Server. 10. Tap POP mail server. 11. Enter POP3 server- pop-server.si.rr.com -(*** si refers to Staten Island) 12. Provide Port- 110 (995 can also be tried) 13. Write down your username and your password 14. Uncheck UseSecure server 15. Uncheck Verify certificate 16. Tap OK 17. Select Outgoing server 18. Enter SMTP server- smtp-server.si.rr.com – (*** si refers to Staten Island only) 19. Use Secure server unchecked 20. Confirm certificate is unchecked or not 21. Enter Port- 25 (*** Port 587 can also be used for outgoing if 25 does not work) 22. Click on “OK” 23. Tap on Other Settings 24. Choose the length of time messages will be kept on the phone. (1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, Never Delete Messages) Click on “OK” 25. Hit on “OK” again to submit your email set-up. Twc Email Login www RR Com Road Runner Web Mail